His Glory... His Power... His Family
God the Father is the Creator of all things seen by miracles within the first six days of the universe. Days are taken literally.
God manifested Himself in the life of Abraham, which eventually created a group of people called "Hebrews" and God's "Chosen People", who He considered His own.
Animal sacrificial ordinances were established through Moses for the shedding of lamb's blood, which was a symbol and type of what was to come through the future shedding of the Son of God, Jesus Christ's blood.
From these Hebrews there was a man born of a virgin named Mary, who was called Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus Christ was sacrificed on a cross, buried in a grave tomb and on the third day was supernaturally raised from the dead as a symbol of the resurrection from the sinful dead of His own believing people.
All men and women are lost and separated from God because of their first sin after they were born. The only way to remove this separation from God and to atone for one's complete wickedness is to confess one's sinful state and to submit one's life to God's Son, Jesus Christ, for His sacrificed blood-covering of their sins of the past, present and future.
Those who believe in this Son of God, called Jesus Christ, verbally commit to surrendering all to Him publicly and repenting of all their sins, will have their sins forgiven and their souls saved into heaven upon their death and resurrection into eternity. This has a present effect of taking the new believer off of the wide destructive path and regenerating them into a new person ready to begin the walk of Christianity on the narrow path of life.
The original Apostles and disciples waited obediently in Jerusalem for the coming of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which did come upon them through a "sound like the blowing of a violent wind. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit... ". Acts 2:3-4
Salvation comes through having saving faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Water Baptism is an act of obedience after one surrenders their lives to Jesus with saving faith. Jesus Christ even modeled water baptism for us by having John the Baptist baptize Him in the Jordan River. If Jesus modeled this for us, then this act of water baptism is extremely important. When we are water baptized, this act emulates the crucifixion death, cave burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from His grave. Water Baptism represents our sins being washed away and us rising up out of the grave with Jesus as a new person in Christ. At Beam Church, we will have regular times where this wonderful opportunity to be Water Baptized will be given.
The original Baptism of Spirit was given to the original followers of Jesus Christ as they were "gathered in one place" and it "filled the whole House". But, per scripture, their were those left out of the Baptism of Spirit because of not being in the gathering house. Because of instances in Acts where those without the Baptism of Spirit received the Baptism of Spirit later through the laying on of hands from those with the Baptism of Spirit (Acts 19:1-4), we believe that there would be instances today where those who believe in Jesus Christ and are actively pursuing Him, may not have the Baptism of Spirit. This churches Prophet and Pastor lived fourteen years as a saved believer in Jesus Christ without the Baptism of Spirit, before others laid hands on him to receive Baptism of Spirit.
Evidences of the Baptism of Spirit are boldness, a supernatural gift set from the Holy Spirit designed to edify the church, supernatural love for all human beings and a supernatural desire to see them saved, healed and delivered at any cost. This was evidenced by the disciples before Jesus' crucifixion manifesting fear, confusion, denial, betrayal, and cowardice. The exact opposite is true of the disciples after their Baptisms of Spirit. Immediately they walked into the same streets with the same soldiers and Pharisees who crucified Jesus fifty days (Pentecost) prior. Without fear they began boldly preaching the Good News and truths of Jesus Christ with there spiritual gift sets.
At Beam Church, we will encourage the believer to ponder and pray about a Baptism of Spirit through the laying on of hands, if they have little fruit of the spirit, no boldness, little compassion or desire to see the lost saved and no demonstrated power movements of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul in Acts 19:1 even asked disciples/believers if they had the Baptism of Spirit.
The Old Testament was written by Moses and the Prophets. We believe that the New Testament was written by the Apostles Matthew, Mark, Peter, Paul, James, John and various contemporary disciples. We believe that the entirety of Biblical Scriptures were inspired by God and are inerrant (without mistake) in content.
The Church, as a whole, is Jesus Christ's bride and is made up of people who believe in Him as the one and only Son of God.
The Churches cornerstone is Jesus Christ and its foundation is made up of both Apostles and Prophets of both the Old and New Testament (Ephesians 2:20). And that with the presence of approximately eight billion people on the earth today, Apostles and Prophets are as needed and important as they were in the original, first century church. We unequivocally believe from scripture that the last Apostle and Prophet to die in New Testament scripture WASN'T the last Apostle and Prophet (Ephesians 4:11, 1st Corinthians 12:28). And that any contrarian secessionist teaching to these biblical facts is false and is one of the greatest heresies ever perpetrated upon Jesus Christ's church.
Foremost, Christlike character, humility and serving others is more important than one's gift or office. Hurt people hurt people. To minister to other people one must be willing to be ministered to in order to be healed and delivered into character and humility. Good ministers have a history of submitting to ministry themselves.
Ordination by a denomination, having a PhD beside one's last name, or having a seminarian degree from a theological institute isn't necessary to operate in one's gift set or having a five-fold ministry office given by the Holy Spirit. Being full of and Baptized by the Holy Spirit are the keys to operating within the local church body (Acts 6:3), on the street and within the marketplace. But one isn't officed in the Spirit just because one has promoted themselves or has been promoted by man. The Holy Spirit does the promoting of his people.
When one gives their life to Jesus, is filled with the Holy Spirit, and has received their Baptism of Spirit, some anointed powerful measure of the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be available to flow from the believer's life to benefit those around him/her. The Holy Spirit will lead the believer in using these gifts.
Operating within in the local church with one's gift or office is subject to the authority of the local church leaders. And with one's gift or office, it is good to be under authority and in authority. (Matthew 8:9). This is for healthy protection of the church members and leaders.
Ordinary men and women can carry the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. This was first modeled by Stephen in scripture, who it was said of, "Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people" Acts 6:8-9. Stephen wasn't listed among the original Apostles.
The power of the Holy Spirit still manifests today as it did in the early church to draw the lost to Jesus Christ, heal the sick, cast out demons and more. And the anointing for power, through the Baptism of Spirit, has been passed down through the laying on of hands from generation to generation and from the early church leaders and believers. From scripture, we believe to teach anything else is the heresy of secessionism (no more power since the last Apostle and Prophet). Secessionism has been perpetrated upon the church by the enemy to make it ineffective. We can simply see the state of the church today in the United States having its members leaving in droves as being a manifestation and validation of this heresy. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." Where the Spirit is not, there is bondage and chaos. "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." Matthew 12:30-32
Speaking in Tongues isn't necessarily an immediate response to a Baptism of Spirit. It has been the writer's experience where some have been pushed into speaking in tongues at their Baptisms of Spirit. This is inappropriate. Speaking in Tongues is spoken of as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Not all believers are given the same gifts. We each are given certain gifts, given by the choice of the Holy Spirit, to bless and edify the body of Christ. If someone has been given the gift of speaking in tongues, it will become evident.
There are two kinds of speaking in tongues. The first is supernaturally speaking a foreign language of someone with the same foreign language, while ministering to them for their benefit. The other is a spirit language between the believer and the Lord.
Scripture gives boundaries with the second gift mentioned in the last paragraph. That if, in a meeting of believers there is a tongue spoken, there needs to be an interpreter present. We will do our best to abide by and be in order with this boundary. If someone has a tongue while meeting together, we want and desire to hear it as long as there is an interpreter.
We believe God made the entire Universe for us to wonder and ponder over... about which to easily glorify His Name.
We believe that God's Heaven is more real than the Universe he has created.
We believe that heaven and hell are real places in hidden realms. There will be a resurrection of the lost and the saved into these realms, the one to everlasting hell and the other to everlasting life and paradise.
We don't believe heaven is on a far away planet or in another galaxy.
Beam Church leadership have done an exhaustive study on women's rolls in the church. There has been much agonizing over woman's rolls in the church because of the many different perspectives. In conclusion, there is only one perspective that counts and that's the belief in the inerrancy and supernatural inspiration of scripture by God through millennia. To be clear, it is Beam Church Leadership's desire to see women honored in their rolls as wives, mothers and leaders of women.
For a non-religious (non-pharisaical), humble, articulate, studied, and concise view of woman and their roles at Beam Church please click the following link:
More Thoughts
There is no women-hating allowed at Beam Church. Verbal and physical abuse of women will not be tolerated by beam Church Leadership. If verbal and physical abuse of women are found within Beam Church membership, Beam Church leaders are at the ready to defend and protect. There is such a thing as verbal and physical abuse of husbands by their wives. This will not be tolerated either. The same can be said of the abuse, in any way, of children. Physical and sexual abuse are required by State Law to be reported to local authorities. We desire redemption in all areas of our members walk on the narrow path of life. If you have abuse of others in your life of any kind, per scripture, you must confess to another (a Church Leader in this case) your sins and stronghold, fully repent of it by sincerely apologizing of it, and you must seek out deliverance for this abusive issue. The Holy Spirit will reveal the lies from the enemy locking you into this abusive pattern. I say "must", not to control you, but to quickly have you cut off the impending destruction coming to you life.